The Ice Child (Fjällbacka #9) by Camilla Läckberg

theicechilsRating: 4****

426 pages

Published March 2016 by Harper Collins

The book from the very start is gross, the crime that has happened is absolutely gross, but writer’s writing as always wins and I knew once I’m starting to read the story I wont be able to put it down, so be ready to be glued to the book until you reach the last page.

Trying to write the review without any spoilers – by the ending which is sort of guess or until I read the next book – I would live to give the book full 5 stars, but there were some unexplained parts that was important – how about the religious aspect and events around it, how the system actually worked..

Yes, the very final ending – brilliant! The book was interesting, gross, but interesting, how one by one and mixed up the plot takes place finding more characters and their roles in the story. 

The book is about finding who are behind copy cat gross woman/girl torture killer and finding new leads for Erika’s next book she is writing. The book is going to be based on true crime and there is still so much mystery involved, not knowing anything for sure. Step by step she is about to find more clues and put the puzzle together.

An Ember in the Ashes (An Ember in the Ashes #1) by Sabaa Tahir

amberintheashesRating: 4****
464 pages
Published February 11th 2016 by Harper Voyager

I was stuck with the book for nearly a month, first 20 pages was so interesting and knowing that I couldn’t start the reading at all. Till last night when I literary finally attacked the book and finished. What a story! Very complex and as a dystopian Ya – there is always a battle someone is fighting for the right against wrong, against cruelty and the system and brutality.

Yes, be ready to read loads of brutality. cruelty, right&wrong fight, relationships, betrayals and feelings…high peaks and oh my, my.